She Waits for All of Us

She lives underground, of course, but feels the world above her through her hair that grows out as trees and flowers. Her eyes the oceans and rivers, where she watches you approach. You stumble down earthen paths, believing yourself to be lost. She waits. You trip and fall down ravines, and she catches you without exposing herself– she couldn’t so far from safety. But she waits. And watches over.
Wolves appear, teeth bared, and your spirit is so very tired; you fall to your knees, again. But the wolves don’t attack. Something stops them, and a slash of sunlight cuts through the canopy. Stunned, you rise. The path is still there, brighter than before, but you shrug it off. And she waits. And watches over.
Now, months later, you feel strong. You still don’t know where the path leads, but you follow. Your muscles stronger and your stride confident, if still unclear. The forest is still thick, with the same dangers, but you are changed, somehow. You’ve learned how to sustain yourself on her gifts. And she waits. And watches over.
As the journey goes on, you forget about the path. Your feet take you along, but your mind doesn’t notice anymore. You’ve become a part of the forest, and you’re content with that, believing that was the ultimate goal. Which as far as your work is concerned, is true. Then you look down and notice a gift you hadn’t been given before.
Curious, you pluck it from the ground, and consume it.
Light becomes light as the nearest trees step out of the way on their roots, revealing a cavern below. You know now. You don’t know what, but you know. You step off the earth and fall into her arms beneath. You fall into beauty.
She waits no more as he has become part of her, and her of him. God and goddess, they watch over the universe.
March 23, 2016

Funk It Up & Love On

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