Discussions of God, Part 2

Here is another piece of the puzzle for me, inspired by a conversation with my cousin:
Recently, it’s been revealed to me through my personal connection with the universe that my concept of reincarnation was incomplete.
I already felt that I am born each time as a different life.
But what I didn’t put together was that I am born into every life, will live every life that has ever existed, allowing me to experience all perspectives.
That I, Jacki, am just one lifetime’s expression of the eternal soul.
I don’t really know how many I’ve lived or still have to live, but I feel that God has revealed this to me so that I may more easily see God or myself in every other living being I encounter.
Do I live all these lives in a particular order, maybe? Is that what it means to be an “old soul”? Or is that concept irrelevant, since linear time is a human invention?
Is the beginning darkness and chaos and the end love and harmony? Or is it experienced in chunks, taking breaks from being Jacki during my waking states to live your lives in my dreams and “visions”, just as you are doing?
Are we actually taking turns living each other’s lives?
Is it that heaven or eternity is in those moments when I feel God in all of life and in all of your eyes, and that hell is when I turn away from that knowledge and get stuck in the details?
Therefore, I think it’s a bit like Quantum Leap, haha, where my job is to realize this truth as often as possible and make more mindful, loving decisions every chance I get.
We all have the tools to access this knowledge more often.
Meditation on love and our interconnectedness with the aid of deep breathing is a powerful one, one I’m trying to incorporate more often.
Holy communion, the real point of church, etc, is to be with each other, play, talk, love, laugh; I say celebrate that anywhere you find groups of people communing, be it on Sunday morning, Friday night, at block parties, drum circles, family reunions, whatever.
Participate mindfully in life. And listen to each other. We’re all taking turns feeling unheard; let’s try to change that by remembering it’s all us, just one at a time.
And remember, this applies to all living creatures…
Until next time, funk it up and love on…
June 21, 2016

Funk It Up & Love On

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